Series: The Powers That Be

Like so many stories in Dominic Blackburn’s life, this one began with a bad decision. As a creature controller, Dom’s job was to track down things that went bump in the night—and a fair number of cryptids bump a little too hard for one person to handle. So maybe Dominic ignored a red flag or two when he got the opportunity to buy an indentured man’s contract for pennies on the dollar.

Dominic figured he’d deal with the catch when he found it. Too bad he’s been a little busy with screaming ghosts, crazy doctors, lying housewives, geeky witches, sociopathic plutocrats, mind melds, celebratory pie, surprise blowjobs, and oh yeah, a surly angel.


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Any Price (The Powers That Be, #1)
Ebook     $4.99
This deal comes with unspoken clauses. Dominic Blackburn has a job no sane person wants: he makes things quit going...
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Any Cost (The Powers That Be, #2)
Ebook     $4.99
Sometimes people are more monstrous than the monsters. Micah and Dominic have a new roommate. Gestalt—the last survivor of the...
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Broken Contracts
Ebook     $4.99
Power opens all doors. Some should’ve stayed closed.  Adam Slate sees something other humans can’t: Connections, all around him. People,...
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