Author: Jaime Samms
Jaime has been writing for various publishers since the fall of 2008, although she's been writing for herself far longer. Often asked, "Why men? What’s so fascinating about writing stories about men falling in love?", she's never come up with a clear answer. Just that these are the stories that she loves to read, so it seemed to make sense if she was going to write, they would also be the stories she wrote.
These days, you can find plenty of free reading on her website. She also writes for Freya’s Bower, Jupiter Gardens, and Total E-Bound, Dreamspinner Press, MLR Press, and Riptide Publishing.
Spare time, when it can be found rolled into a ball at the back of the dryer or cavorting with the dust bunnies in the corners, she's probably spending crocheting, drawing, gardening (weather permitting, of course, since she is Canadian!), or watching movies. She has a day job, as well, which she loves, and two kids, but thankfully, also a wonderful husband who shoulders more than his fair share of household and child-care responsibilities.
She graduated some time ago from college with a fine arts diploma, and a major in textile arts, which basically qualifies her to draw pictures and create things with string and fabric. One always needs an official slip of paper to fall back on after all. . .
Connect with Jamie:
- Website: www.jaime-samms.com
- Blog: www.jaime-samms.com/blog
- Twitter: twitter.com/JaimeSamms
- Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/author/jaimesamms
- Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/2631049.Jaime_Samms